Thursday, November 28, 2013

Larry and I are looking forward to Thanksgiving with Grandma! Tom and Donna will be joining us and Tom and Larry will drive up to Magalia and pick Marie up for a drive through the country Thursday morning while Donna and I cook up a storm. We're spending this weekend polishing up the old china and crystal in preparation. I'll post a few pics after the holiday weekend... stay tuned. - Lucy

Friday, November 15, 2013

Return of the Biggs Blog!

Hi everyone, since planning for the July 4th event is in the works, we thought that we could resurrect this old blog as a meeting place and central news depot for everyone to check in and post their news. You don't have to post only reunion news of course, but anything that you think the rest of the family might be interested in!

If you have a Google account, you can sign in to this blog and publish posts. Just go to, and sign in. If you don't already have Biggs Family News in your list of blogs that you can post to, contact me with your gmail address and I'll get you invited.

Once you're invited to post on the blog, you can sign in to Blogger to publish posts, or even publish posts directly from your email! It's easy to set up email blogging under the settings tab on the left hand side of your main blogger screen.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Tahoe Fire

Larry and I took a quick trip up to the Manzanita Lodge to check out the fire damage for ourselves. We wanted to be sure the fire hadn't damaged our hopes for the reunion! Happily we found the little town of South Lake Tahoe bustling and busy with nary a sight of the fire damage visible. There is a tall stand of pine trees screening the lodge from the nearest the fire got. Mostly the underbrush burned and some trees were scorched in the fire, but for our purposes I don't think we'll be affected by the fire at all. We could hardly even smell any smoke and the reunion is fully 3+ weeks away. Here are a few pictures... The first is the little meadow just beyond the lodge where you can see some fire damage. The second is of the tall pines behind the lodge and the 3rd is of the lodge itself with the screen of tall pines beside it (you can see the other side of the stand of trees in the first picture). - Lucy

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Elsie saying Hi ,6/30/07

Hi , I sure am all excitted about the family get together comming up. I wanted you all to know I have been sick lately but the |Lord is taking care of things , I am getting better all the time. I have a real hard time with my eyes but I would like to be able to decorate the money box for mom and dad. I can't do much but I love to try . I know that Donna or Rachel can do a beautiful job and if they wnted to instead of me that is fine, but just in case no one else had the time I have time to give of myself. |I love all of you and miss all, you are in my prayers and thoughts everyday. Take care of youselfs Love you, Elsie

Friday, June 8, 2007

Adah's Job

Well, it will be a real job when it makes money, won't it? ;-)

On Tuesday the 5th, I got a response from a really great top-level Literary Agent requesting a look at the manuscript I have put together. So we sat down and looked the story over one last time to be sure we'd worked out all the bugs, and sent it today. We should know within a week whether the Agency will take me on as one of their clients.

If he does take me, then I'll pretty much have a real career at this in the bag. This guy is one of only a handful of Agents who will take a new writer and actually build their career, usually staying with them for their entire literary life. But he's no softie: he says that in today's market, to be a career novelist a writer has to be just as dedicated and perform to the standards of an Olympic athlete. He will require at least one book a year, more if he can get them. Usually this kind of productivity is unheard-of in the literary world, but he gets major results. All of his writers are successful.

Since I have literally dozens of stories just sitting around ready to be pounded into their final form, I don't see his rigorous demands as a problem. In fact my writing style (many books about the same character or world, not just one, the ability to put out more than one book a year, and the ability to write longer more involved storylines) looks from the research we've done to be a spot-on perfect match for the current market.

Now all I need is the Agent who will shop my books to the publishers. At least, I'd like to work with an Agent because they'll handle a lot of business and contract negotiation that frankly I don't want to deal with. I'll keep you all informed.

— Adah

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Remember this? We do have fun when we get together. I can't wait for the upcoming reunion.

Where and when did all this happen?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

forgot one...